Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Free-For-All: I'm a Marvel and I'm a DC - "Father's Day"

One of my favorite series of web videos is the Marvel/DC comedy shorts done by ItsJustSomeRandomGuy. Whether you're a fan of the comics or prefer the feature film adaptations, you're bound to appreciate the humor in these parodies that use action figures to unite the two comic universes. Their Father's Day tribute gives you a sense of the tone of many of their shorts.

And this is one of their more recent shorts - a musical that takes a few pokes at current comic book movie plans.

This one is one of my favorites. It's a couple years old, so the jokes are a bit dated, but still fun.

1 comment:

  1. Love the musical. Why have I never seen this web series before? That makes me sad and lame*.

    *[Not lame like a duck, but like someone who'd use the word "lame" as if it was still 1992.
