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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Talkback - Hacks Anonymous

I'm sure we've all done it at one time or another - what's the hackiest writing choice you've ever made, either consciously or unconsciously?


  1. Well when I kind of picture an action in a script, that has somewhat happened in another movie (for example, someone rushing down the hall and bumping into someone -- same thing happens in the movie Scream) -- so I'll look at the Scream script and see how they wrote it. Sometimes, I have basically taken the same sentence structure, but I mostly change it up and just use it as a template.

  2. I’ve definitely written a few versions of the clichéd “and then she/he falls to the floor and bursts into tears.” Ugh, so terrible looking back. Scenes where characters cry require a lot more restraint and creativity than my younger self had…hopefully I’m cleverer now. But, what I'm sure we all want to know is…what was YOUR hackiest choice? :-)

  3. Once I gave a character's mom cancer because I couldn't figure out how to make him sympathetic.

    ohhhh the shame

  4. Wedged in an unnecessary romance subplot.

  5. oiy. first script when i was in high school. Ended with an "it was all just a dream" ending. I know. terrible.
