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Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Black List will be announced on Twitter tomorrow at 9am PST

Tomorrow will see the release of the much-anticipated 2012 Black List and Franklin Leonard has come up with an interesting way to make the announcement.  Per their press release:

At 9:00 AM PST on Monday December, 17, the Black List will begin tweeting from its Twitter handle @theblcklst, in random order at a rate of approximately one per minute, the titles and authors of the scripts included on the 2012 Black List. Once every script has been mentioned, the top 10 titles and authors will be tweeted, in reverse order, at which time the complete list, including loglines and additional information, will be made available at the Black List’s website, http://www.blcklst.com

Now would be a good time to start following them on Twitter.  Also, I'll have an interview with Franklin that will be rolled out over the first couple of days this week, so keep an eye out for that.

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