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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Talkback - What are you writing?

So what's everyone working on these days?

My current writing docket includes a webseries, a half-hour single camera pilot, a high-concept action feature, and a character-driven thriller.

What mediums are you writing for?
High concept or low concept?
Do you prefer working on one project at a time, or do you do what I am, moving between several projects at various stages?


  1. I prefer working on one script at a time. If I need to take a break from a script for a while, I'll usually go over one of my previously written scripts and do some touch ups or a rewrite.

    Right now, I'm tackling a teen slasher type script -- then after that, I'm going to attempt my high concept paranormal idea... hopefully all goes well. After these two horror scripts, I'm definitely going to need to shift to comedy. I need that balance to keep me sane, lol.

  2. On Saturday I'm going to get notes on my recently completed period/action script from an Oscar nominated screenwriter and I'm starting to outline a poetic/pulpish movie based on an Italian comic-book I optioned. All this while in prep of a new movie (not written by me) with the company I work for.

  3. I'm partway through a high concept drama film script. It's on hold while I'm writing up a large batch of contracted 10min training video scripts - my first paid writing work.
    I've written a low concept drama/thriller which, after getting notes I realise needs work on the dialogue so I want to revisit it and give it a refresher.
    Of course the day job is very demanding so not much time.

  4. I was working on a near-future scifi script, but got pulled away by a idea for a dystopian YA novella, and a demon serial (novella as well).

  5. Re-writing a high concept action/fantasy film about undead ninjas. Currently on draft 7.

  6. All my time and energy is going to one project right now, a one-hour drama spec.

  7. Working on a couple of things... just finished a vomit first draft of a high-concept romantic comedy... revising a John Hughes-like teen dramedy... slogging away at a co-written drama dealing with a chilling subject matter...

    I like keeping a couple of irons in the fire. If you get stuck or bored, move on to the next project.

  8. I'm doing research for three books about the presidents. It started as one, but there was information in one of the books that inspired the other two books. I almost made it four, but I decided I wouldn't be as interested as I am with those three.

    I'm also working on a play that keeps nagging at me when I'm doing research for my books, inspired by chaperoning my sister's Grad Nite at Disneyland in 2007 and wandering around the lobby of the Grand Californian hotel.

  9. My husband and I just finished a Parks and Recreation spec, and we're writing two action comedy screenplays. We've also got a sci-fi action comedy comic proposal. So we're busy in very good ways. :) We do work on multiple projects at once, but it works out because there's two of us.

    I think we like to work on high concept stuff that can translate across platforms (movie, video game, comic). It seems to be the way of things these days.

  10. I like writing on several projects at once. That way, when I feel I have pushed as far as I can on one project for the day, I can switch gears and pump life into another project before calling it a night. What am I writing now?
    Female lead-sci fi spec, and a YA sci fi novel (book 1 of 6).

  11. Working on a road trip thriller, something in the vein of Joy Ride.

    Also polishing up the script I just finished, a contained thriller.

    Don't think I could handle working on more than two at once!

  12. Working on three things:

    -a feature length dystopic action pic in the vein of an '80s John Carptener flick, like Escape from New York. It's outlined, just finished writing act one.

    -a feature length small town bank heist film, tone is odd, like the Coen Brothers writing Oceans 11. Working on the outline/mechanics.

    -a non-fiction book on the history of the Power Ballad (yes, the 80s hair-metal sub-genre) and songs that meet the criteria. Just hit the halfway point (25,000 words).

    I also have a few other screeplay ideas in the works, but there on the back burner for now. Don't like to work on too many at once or else none get done.

  13. Agent is shopping my scifi/fantasy spec (feature)
    Signing a collaborative writing agreement w/ my favorite author to adapt his books..hoping to pitch soon.
    Awaiting word from cable channel on submitted project...so I can get going on the full-script.

    So...writing treatments and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  14. Currently, I'm working on developing a dark comedy web series. I sent a script from an undeveloped web series I'd wanted to do to the guy I'm working with on the new show. I polished it up before I showed it to him and ended up fixing a big problem I was having with it. So now, I'm tempted to give that show another chance as well.

  15. I'm rocking a high concept buddy comedy, a low concept dramedy, a bunch of short stories, a pitch bible for an animated series and prepping for a spec Community.

  16. Waiting for notes back on a late draft of a character/family drama I've been knocking around for two years. It's going to be my calling card, and I have a CBS writer/producer waiting to read it.

    In the meantime, I am working on a paranormal coming-of-age thriller, with hopes of getting a full draft done by the weekend.

    I would not call either of them high concept, which is a bit of a drawback for specs. That's why I have my secret weapon, a dystopian action/revenge, in my back pocket at all times.

    I like to have two (or even three) scripts going at a time, so that I always have something to work on if I need a break from my primary project.

  17. Currently writing my latest TV spec – 1 hour drama (ah, it’s writing contest season). Before that, finished a 1 hour drama/dramedy pilot (soapy, family drama, but with a soft procedural element).

    As of late, I mostly write TV drama but I do have some screenplay samples kicking around…a couple are character driven family drama/dramedies with a slightly indie vibe (like anything by Peter Hedges…I wish) and a couple are more high concept rom coms (like Sweet Home Alabama and The Proposal…once again, I wish).

    As far as how I prefer to work, I used to jump around a lot but now I’ve switched to more of a "one thing at a time" approach since I found myself starting way more projects than I finished.

  18. Ugh, I wish I could chug through one script at a time. Unfortunately, I have to work on multiple projects so that current ones don't get stale.

    Currently working on a zombie type road movie of sorts.

    On back burner I have a dark comedy and a family movie involving an alien. Fun...

  19. Three specs; A high concept rom-com. A no concept buddy comedy. A blaxploitation spoof. Also, working on fixing that leaking faucet in the basement. That's not a metaphor. It's really leaking.

  20. Real life kept me too busy to reply to these yesterday, so I'll just wish everyone good luck. I'm glad to see we've got a lot of active writers here!
