Michael F-ing Bay

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Webshow: "I wrote it, now what do I do with it? Part 4 - Twitter networking."

It's not uncommon for me to get a question along the lines of, "I wrote it, now what do I do with it?" It's a good question, and one with no easy answers. So don't think of this continuing series AS those easy answers. There are merely points to ponder.

This week, let's talk the art of networking via Twitter and social media.


  1. twitter is how we met brooklyn weaver. great advice.

  2. Great post, Bitter. I've held back from Twitter because I thought it was a fad, and was a girl's thing. Glad to hear you're able to use it to further yourself in the Industry. Now I'm STARTING to have 2nd thoughts about Twitter...
